Tuesday, October 31, 2006
You scored as Niwa Daisuke. You are Niwa Daisuke, kind-hearted, and sensitive, you try to help out anyone who is in need in any way possible. You like to stick to the rules, and aren't very adventurous when it comes to trying new things. Though you can be shy and clumsy, you have hidden talents that people are unaware of. You have a magnetic personality and attract friends easily, but you never seem to get the perfect person you've been dreaming about. You see the beauty in the world and the goodness in people, and this is what makes you attractive. Niwa Daisuke Hiwatari Satoshi Harada Riku With Harada Risa Dark Krad83% 78% 75% 70% 70% 63% 60%
Which D.N Angel Character are you most like?
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flew into your heart at [4:55 PM]
You scored as Kira. You're a kind person,but you care som much about your friends sometimes it blinds you to the path that's right.You want to make the right decisions but it's sometimes hard for you.You're a very sentimental person. Kira Dearka Athrun Mwu Lacus Cagalli Flay
88% 81% 75% 69% 63% 13% 13%
Which Gundam Seed Character are you?
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flew into your heart at [4:42 PM]
no hope Denile Happy Chappy Social Outcast popularityYou scored as no hope. you have no controll of what you feel, and you dont know who you are anymore, and havnt known for a while now, you hate who you are, and have problems in your life 65% 65% 65% 60% 0%
how much do you hate you???
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flew into your heart at [4:40 PM]
You scored as Cho Hakkai. Hakkai is a big softie! Although Hakkai has a very hurtful past, he continues to love those around him. Hakkai does the right thing in any situtation, which in some eyes is a bad thing. Hakkai will do whatever he can to protect the ones he loves. Cho Hakkai Genjo Sanzo San Goku Sha Gojyo
90% 75% 70% 35%
Which Saiyuki hero are you?
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flew into your heart at [4:22 PM]
Hiromu Shinbo Yuzuki Chii Sumomo Chitose Hibiya Hideki Motosuwa Takako Shimizu Yumi Omura Minoru KokubunjiYou scored as Yuzuki. A life-like persocom that Hideki first mistakes for a real person. Yuzuki was created by the young persocom expert Minoru and possesses considerable processing power. 83% 83% 67% 50% 42% 42% 33% 33% 25%
Chobits quiz
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flew into your heart at [4:19 PM]
Roy Mustang!!!!! Maes Hughes!!!!! Alex Armstrong!!! Edward Elric!!!!!!!! Alphonse Elric!!!!!!!You scored as Roy Mustang!!!!!. you are roy mustang.you are the colonel.you give alot of orders and shoot fireballs out of your hands.you use pyrotex gloves that create a spark that bursts into flames and you control via alchemy.so go kick some butt, and could you lower how many orders you give? 30% 20% 20% 5% 0%
what fullmetal alchemist character are you most like?(all results are boyz)
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flew into your heart at [4:10 PM]
You scored as Winry Rockbell. You are Winry Rockbell! You love your friends and are very close to them, but you tend to worry about them a bit much. Machines are your calling, and you should definately be a mechanic (if you're not one already XD). You appear sweet and innocent, but looks can be decieving. Winry Rockbell Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang Maes Hughes Alex Louis Armstrong Riza Hawkeye Jean Havoc Zolf Kimbley88% 88% 63% 50% 50% 50% 38% 13% 0%
What FullMetal Alchemist Character Are You??
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flew into your heart at [3:59 PM]
Roy Mustang Alphoso Elrick Luitenant Armstrong Luitenant Hawkeye Edward Elrick WinreyYou scored as Roy Mustang. You're Roy Mustang. You're an excellent pyro. You also love the ladies. You're sense of authority is another good feature. 67% 50% 50% 50% 33% 33%
Which Fullmetal Alchimest charecter are you?
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flew into your heart at [3:58 PM]
You scored as Earth. Earth Wind Light Darkness Water fire100% 83% 67% 33% 33% 0%
What is your element? >_< (whith pics)
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flew into your heart at [3:50 PM]
Fuu Hikaru UmiYou scored as Fuu. You scored as Fuu. Fuu is usually the voice of reason among the three girls. She also has a secret love, and gets easily embarressed. 100% 50% 33%
Which Magic Knight are you? (from Magic Knights Rayearth)
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flew into your heart at [3:37 PM]
Tomoyo Eriol Touya Naoko Yamazaki Chiharu Meiling Yelan Kero Syaoran Sakura Yukito Yue Mr. KinomotoYou scored as Tomoyo. your Tomoyo....... 60% 56% 48% 46% 44% 42% 38% 27% 25% 25% 23% 19% 19% 15%
Card Captor Sakura quiz(pics)
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flew into your heart at [3:12 PM]
Darkness LightYou scored as Darkness. You are darkness. You love to be alone, and you love depression. You were probably a theif or something in your past life, if you had one. You still are a lone wolf to this day. 95% 80%
Are you Dark or Light??? (only girl anime pics)
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flew into your heart at [3:12 PM]
Fai Tomoyo Sakura Mokona Kurogane Yuuko SyaoranYou scored as Fai. You are Fai D. Flowrite in Tsubasa. Hooray for you! You act care free but you really have a big secret to hide. You are very talented and like to tease serious people. 82% 68% 64% 61% 50% 50% 46%
What Tsubasa character are you?
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flew into your heart at [3:05 PM]
Saturday, October 28, 2006
そうさ 未練がましいって言うけど
僕のリードでもう一度踊ろう come to me
to my arms please
叶わないけど 君を求めてるよ
叶うものなら すぐにも君の手をとり
Finding ways to get you back
All I want is U でもまだ近づけない距離を感じるのさ
feel my heart
魂が抜けたみたい そう言われても仕方がないよ今の僕じゃ
それでも まだ君の過ち許せてしまう自分がもっと切ない
Please come back baby
叶わないけど 君を求めてるよ
叶うものなら すぐにも君の手をとり
Finding ways to get you back
All I want is U でもまだ近づけない距離を感じるのさ
feel my heart
気付かせるさ 君のココロの奥に
All I need 求めるモノがあるはずさ
Let me show you
Let me tell you how much I miss you
君を待つ girl
叶わないけど 君を求めてるよ
叶うものなら すぐにも君の手をとり
Finding ways to get you back
All I want is U でもまだ近づけない距離を感じるのさ
feel my heart
flew into your heart at [11:32 AM]
我仍然放不下 可以的话,
现在,就牵手 想让你回来,
有距离感 不介意的话,
flew into your heart at [11:11 AM]
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
WoWs and YaYs. ^^You Are Incredibly Logical
flew into your heart at [11:34 AM]
Sweet!LOL.You Are the Very Gay Peppermint Patty!
flew into your heart at [11:31 AM]
You Are 60% Intuitive
flew into your heart at [11:26 AM]
You Are From Jupiter
flew into your heart at [11:25 AM]
Your Personality Is
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
flew into your heart at [11:21 AM]
Your Brain's Pattern
flew into your heart at [11:19 AM]
Your Pride Quotient: 50%
flew into your heart at [11:17 AM]
Never Date a Cancer
Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius
flew into your heart at [11:13 AM]
You Should Try Skydiving
flew into your heart at [11:09 AM]
=xYou Are Somewhat Honest
flew into your heart at [11:06 AM]
Oh...You Are 56% Brutally Honest
flew into your heart at [11:00 AM]
Your Career Personality: Organized, Responsible, and Future-Oriented
Biomedical engineerBusiness executiveCollege professorDistrict attorney Hedge fund managerInvestment bankerJudgeMilitary leaderPolitical strategistSurgeon
flew into your heart at [10:59 AM]
Nice (:You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat
flew into your heart at [10:56 AM]
O.OYou Are a Chimera
flew into your heart at [10:55 AM]
Hmm...You Are 4: The Individualist You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.
You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.
You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.
Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.
flew into your heart at [10:50 AM]
WoW.Your Wrath Quotient: 40%
flew into your heart at [10:45 AM]
Your Sloth Quotient: 59%
flew into your heart at [10:42 AM]
You Are 50% Extrovert, 50% Introvert
flew into your heart at [10:41 AM]
Your Life Is Worth...
flew into your heart at [10:38 AM]
You Are 48% Shy
flew into your heart at [10:35 AM]
Your Depression Level: 48%
flew into your heart at [10:34 AM]
You Are 36% Slacker
flew into your heart at [10:29 AM]
You Are Best Described By...
flew into your heart at [10:25 AM]
Your True Birth Month Is February
Loves reality
Loves freedom
Low self esteem
Honest and loyal
Abstract thoughts
Daring and stubborn
Changing personality
Showing anger easily
Intelligent and clever
Loves aggressiveness
Quiet, shy and humble
Learns to show emotions
Rebellious when restricted
Determined to reach goals
Superstitious and ludicrous
Dislikes unnecessary things
Realizing dreams and hopes
Too sensitive and easily hurt
Loves entertainment and leisure
Romantic on the inside not outside
Loves making friends but rarely shows it
flew into your heart at [10:22 AM]
Monday, October 16, 2006
Today I'm feeling very sad. Cos i did something wrong. Very Very Wrong.
They say that curiosity kills the cat. I think otherwise. In my case here, my stupid curiosity killed the Hams.
The whole thing only started last Friday, but it seems that it's happened for a long time...
Once upon a time, there were 2 furballs living very happily in a comfortable and cozy little house, I mean cage. Their lives were peaceful and quiet, until one day...
The 2 lil' furballs were discovered by a group of innocent but playful and curious people. From then on their peaceful environment is disturbed. The ringleader,eldest of the six, feels very tempted to carry the cute and furry lil' creatures out of their cage. Ham 1 was a more playful and naughty furball and tried to bite the ringleader after her first attempt. Unlike Ham 1, Ham 2 was a much quiet furball that sleeps most of its time away. But because of the lil' guy's guai-ness, it was carried out of its home more than once, or rather, 4 times. The ringleader find it especially cute and therefore played with it a lot until it got a little angry and bit her fingers and palm.
It only happened today, that the very sleepy and less playful Ham 2 got mad. It was recess, the ringleader led her troupe into the undiscovered paradise, to visit the furballs. She was curios about carrying and putting Ham 2 into the larger cage beside the furballs' house and really did so. She soon regratted her evil thoughts and doings. After being placed into the larger cage and brought back to its home, Ham 2 decided that it likes the much larger and more fun cage better. It immediately started rebelling by biting the metal strips of the door of the cage continuously. But it's end of recess. What did the gang do?
The poor furballs were left there biting the cage while the ringleader brought her friends back to the classroom unwillingly and full of guilty. It's a sin to be curious, she realised. After school that day, I mean today, we went to see the cute cuddly furballs and they were peacefully sleeping, just that the metal coating on the door of the cage is slightly pealed of by the powerful teeth of the creatures. They were sleeping like lil' angels, and Babi was glad too. For his last day in Xinmin Secondary School on a school day, I hope and think that he had a wonderful time here. Today we finally ahd our lunch with jIE jIE and acknowledged her, only to get a you all siao argh? and a heart-warming smile. We were acknowlegded, at last. This is a day that I wish that I will be able to remember for ever and ever, even for the rest of my life. Everyone was so happy getting gifts from Babi, bidding farewells, finding furballs, eating the last lunch in school with Babi, playing with string, acknowledging jIE jIE, playing piano (Babi), seeing the Hams again, finding BianZi, and so on and so on. How I wished that this day will never end.
At last I helped a lady to find her way to Khatib MRT station as she is heading Jurong from somewhere near, or not so near, our school. At least I hope that this will ammend my mistakes. ):
flew into your heart at [4:03 PM]
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
feeling so faithless
lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
put under the pressure
of walking in your shoes
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that I take is another mistake to you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
become so numb
I can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
I'm becoming this
all I want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you
can't you see that you're smothering me
holding too tightly
afraid to lose control
cause everything that you thought I would be
has fallen apart
right in front of you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
every step that I take is another mistake to you
[caught in the undertow / just caught in the undertow]
and every second I waste is more than I can take
become so numb
I can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
I'm becoming thisall I want to do
is be more like me
and be less like you
And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you
become so numb
I can't feel you there
become so tired
so much more aware
I'm becoming this
all I want to dois be more like me
and be less like you
become so numb
I can't feel you there
Is everything what you want me to be
I've become so numbI can't feel you there
Is everything what you want me to be
flew into your heart at [5:15 PM]
Time to write a new post.
flew into your heart at [3:33 PM]
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I think I'm well.
Or something like that.
flew into your heart at [3:35 PM]
*Xinmin Secondary School
*1e3 'o5, 203 'o6, 30? 'o7=\
*Xinmin Chorale
*my dEAr dEAr:)
*my dARLIn:)
*my jIE jIE:)
*my mEi:)
*pLUSHIEs ^^
*rUDe pEEPo
*fINd my sANTa<3
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*September 2006
*October 2006
*November 2006
*December 2006
*January 2007
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007
Let's Dance
*Keep Holding On___Avril Lavigne
*jun hei
*puay weng
*zhe ching